Cats on Guard is a podcast that invites the listener into the flight deck with experienced airline pilots, myself, MC Howe and Co-Captain Rich Million. Over the course of nearly forty years combined experience, We have a amassed a seemingly limitless history of ridiculous stories too silly to keep to ourselves. We've both worked as flight instructors, cargo pilots, charter pilots and major airline pilots. I was even a flight attendant for a while. Over the course of all this time, we've met a wide variety of zany characters, experienced unfathomable adventures on layovers, on vacations, in hotels and in the flight deck. The idea for this podcast came during a conversation one Thanksgiving. It was the typical kind of question all airline pilots get from someone who thinks they know how easy our job is. So I told a true story. I don't remember what it was, but at the end their eyes had widened in disbelief and they wished I hadn't told it. Everyone within earshot had a similar reaction, but I could tell they were completely captivated. It was at that moment I realized there was an audience for these true stories that most of the general public never hears. I also realized there was a perception of airline pilots as superhero-like figures. We're all upstanding citizens. We each possess a high IQ. We're experts in not just our field, but ask any pilot and they'll tell you all the other things they're experts in. Just wait until you hear about the pilot who tried to meditate and took a trip into outer space to meet some aliens. Superheros? Well we do fly. So I decided this podcast had to tell the true stories that I have lived. Its kind of like those old Christmas letters we all used to get, when we all used to get Christmas cards. Come on, admit it. Every year you got at least one letter from the same person who told you all the awesome things that happened that year. But who ever has a year like that? Crap happens. We're aren't all Ice Man. There wouldn't be any good stories if we were. Of course I never planned to just tell my own stories. Who'd want to listen to me prattle on about myself. I mean, yeah that's kind of what I'm doing, but I'm so glad to have a terrific partner in Rich Million. Excuse me, Co-Captain Richard Million. Seriously, that's what he keeps calling himself. Co-Captain Richard Million. When we first met it was instant chemistry. We bonded over meat. How could it have been better? We've brought that fun energy to Cats on Guard and hope you'll enjoy getting to know us and the rather specialized life we enjoy as pilots.